星期四, 12月 03, 2020



1. Explaining the Black Box: when law controls AI  林雅雯 王美惠

2.  Report on the safety and liability implications of Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things and robotics  周嘉明 黃伊安

3. Regulating disinformation with artificial intelligence 胡延年 張哲銘 簡嘉佑

4. CJEU Case C-311/18 Data Protection Commissioner v Facebook Ireland and Maximillian Schrems 柴易清  劉家祥 邱愛倫

 5. A European Strategy for Data  謝侃穎 康雅欣 江昭明



6. Recommendations for technical implementation of the eIDAS Regulation 黃政治 黃鏸誼 張婉若

7. The Interaction of EU Competition, Consumer, and Data Protection Law in the Digital Economy: The Regulatory Dilemma in the Facebook Odyssey 李青翰 葉丞軒 黃禾田

8. Study on the role of regulators for online gambling: authorisation, supervision and enforcemen 黃家駿 林軒儀

9.  The API Economy and Digital Transformation in Financial Services: The Case of Open Banking 林秋瞞 潘曉杰 李淑芳
